About us



He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. Micah 6:8


1. ヒカリ食堂:月1回、金沢市で開催しています。みんなでおいしいご飯を食べて楽しむ居場所を作る空間です。ご飯を提供しながら、国際交流やアート体験などを通して交わりができる場でもあります。 子供からお年寄りまでどんな方も「ちょっと行ってみようかな。」と思ってもらえる場所にしていきたいです。

2. Noto Disaster Relief: We provide support twice a week, focusing on soup kitchen, bento box lunch delivery, emotional care as well as multicultural exchange activities. since this support started on January 19, 2024, we have been providing warm and fresh meals to the people in the affected areas while also working to build better relationships with them.

3. Food Bank: We started in September 2024 in cooperation with NPO Bread of Life. Based in Kanazawa Christ Evangelical Church, we have prepared necessary food and daily necessities and are making effective use of them in the affected areas of Kanazawa City and Noto Peninsula.

Our staff

From left to right: Chi-Kei, Joyce(coordinator), Mandy (Representative), Matt(coordinator)   
